About me

Hi! My name is Felipe Casaprima. I’m a type designer and graphic designer currently based in Perth, WA.

After a couple of years studying (but not really enjoying) engineering, I went to study design at ESDI . There I discovered a passion for typography and eventually type design. I guess the conceptualisation of these complex systems with a more artistic approach, if you will, really resonated with me.

During an exchange year in Canada, I had the opportunity to work at Coppers and Brasses, where I got to sharpen my typographic eye and learn the nuts and bolts of font production. After that I implemented those concepts creating type identities for all sorts of businesses at Plau. For some of the work I developed there check out my behance.

As it turns out, my years in engineering weren’t a complete waste. With a solid base in programming, I incorporate it into my workflow developing tools and creating things that I wouldn't be able otherwise, e.g. doing research on parametric variable fonts and how to apply Bézier curves for interpolation.

If any of these topics interest you, if you think I can help you in a project or if you just want to chat, feel free to get in touch :-)